Friday, April 8, 2011

On the Road Again

Tomorrow I will be on the road {again} for the third day in a row.
Thankfully, we're headed to visit our favorite couple.
Seriously, everyone needs a couple friend. By this I mean a couple with whom you and your spouse are equally friends-- they're not 'his' friends or 'her' friends; they're OUR friends.
And we love them.
And I can't FREAKING WAIT to see them tomorrow.
There will be pictures soon.

Until then, I leave you with a few random thoughts:

*I'm even more excited about the HOMEMADE CD SWAP today than I was yesterday when I posted it. If you're thinking about, sign up already and make. my. day.

*We're headed BACK to see Lib's allergist next Wednesday for some serious allergy testing. He's calling in reinforcements. And it's not gonna be pretty. Please start praying now.

*I'm the market for a new camera. Think DSLR. It's like shopping for a Lexus, only better.

*I got a new pair of Tom's today. And I'm pretty pumped about it, partly b/c somewhere out there a kid is gonna get a new pair of shoes for free. And that makes me happy.

*Doc is almost officially, 100% house-trained, and I am ecstatic about it.

*Yesterday while shopping out of town, I was recognized...not as McCall, but as 'the girl with the blog'. Wow is all I have to say about that.

Happy weekend-ing to you and you and you.

And I PROMISE that very, very soon I will be delivering a post about Kenya and the library that needs OUR help to fill it with books. Trust me when I say it's worth waiting for, folks.

And one more thing before I go:

Kristen has ALMOST met her goal for her mission trip. If she can sell THIRTY-FIVE more bracelets {at only $5}, she will have earned ALL of the money she needs for her trip. Could you would you want to help? You can buy one (or make a donation) using the paypal button on my sidebar. Think about it?

1 comment:

  1. If you're in the market for a DSLR camera, look into the Canon Rebels. (Some people prefer Nikon, but I've always been a Canon fan.) The new Rebel T line has video capabilities as well. I'm drooling over the will come to live with me one day!


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