Wednesday, March 16, 2011

30 in my 30's: A Work in Progress

So, amongst the other things I've been trying to accomplish this week despite the back and illness drama, is to work on scratching off an item from my 30 in my 30's list.

And this work I'm taking a gander at the big ole' #21:
Learn the Single Ladies dance.

Go ahead, laugh it up.
I know it's a funny request, but it's also fun.
And heck, if these guys can do it, so I can.

More to come on that.

And in case you missed it yesterday, I posted two posts you might want to check out:


I can't wait for people to start receiving their Africa shirts and am even MORE excited about seeing pics. of our shirts in their new homes!
So please, as soon as you get yours, snap a pic. and send it my way...that way at least when I check my inbox like a stalker there will be something there waiting for me.

Happy Wednesday, and keep those fingers crossed for us; tomorrow we head back to Libby's specialist for her skin.


  1. I love that you are learning the single ladies dance...and am excited to get my Africa shirt!

  2. AH! I love this post! That is such a great goal! Back in the day (high school) we learned the "Oops I did it again" dance and one from the movie "She's All That." I never thought about learning one as an adult, but I would choose that one, too! Have you see the glee episode where they did it???

  3. I got my "Peace, Love, Africa" tshirts yesterday! They are awesome! I love, love, love mine! I will be wearing it tomorrow!


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