Monday, March 19, 2012

So Excited I Can Hardly Function

If you've been around here for a while, you know that I have a heart for Africa. Over the past two years, God has opened my eyes to the many hardships that are being faced every day, and I am literally sitting on pins and needles (okay, so not LITERALLY, but you get the idea) to help.
And this weekend, I'll hopefully be one step closer to making that happen.

You see, from Friday to Sunday I will be attending the Created for Care Retreat in Georgia, where I will get to hear from some of the most widely known ministries and organizations that work to bring help and relief to the orphans around the world, with many of them focusing on Africa. I'll also get to fellowship with over 400 moms who are itching to help with orphan crisis as well.
 Added bonus: I'll be riding with five other moms who want to make a difference.

Note: I know not one person least not in real life. However, I've e-mailed and talked on the phone with a handful. Blog friends count as 'real friends', right?

Anyway, I am already wishing this week away and hoping Friday gets here STAT; I was ready to yesterday.

Created for Care, I can not WAIT to see what God has in store this weekend.
Here's hoping my heart and mind will be stretched in ways I can't even imagine.


  1. I'm soooo excited too!! See you there!!

  2. It's going to be soooo fun!!! See you Friday morning! :)

  3. How awesome. I just got back from Ethiopia! I was over there for a couple weeks and been back a few weeks now. Such an amazing trip. Good luck to you and your cause.


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