Friday, September 28, 2012

Nothing But Thankful

"When people seek to fulfill their callings by glorifying God in their work, praising Him for their gifts and abilities, and seeing both their efforts and its products as an offering to Him, then work is an act of worship to God. On the other hand, when work is done to glorify oneself or merely to achieve more wealth, it becomes worship of false gods. How we work and for whom we work really matters."

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert  pg.79

People have been asking me a lot of questions lately. 
For whatever reason, I suppose that quitting my secure, comfy job and taking a non-paid internship and traveling across the world in what will be twice in four months tends to raise a few eyebrows and furrow a few foreheads. 

And one of the most popular questions I am being asked is am I glad I did it.
 Am I glad I took the plunge. 
Am I happy with where things are headed. 

And the answer is an undeniable YES!
I have never (repeat NEVER) been more confident that I am right where I am supposed to be. 
Don't know if you know this, but it's hard to find a job working for Africa. 
There aren't many available. 
They're very competitive. 
And most of them are in Nashville or D.C.

And here I am interning in my own state. 
That alone is worth a happy dance.

And then God also led me to Noonday. 
I literally stay awake at night thinking about Noonday. 
I love everything about it. 
The women I work with across the country are some of the most encouraging, inspiring women I've ever heard of; let's just say I am in great company. 
And it allows me to advocate for those around the world who are trying to use their gifts to better their situation. I've fallen in love with their stories and so look forward to sharing them with others. 

And in NINETEEN days I'll leave for Malawi. 
While my heart already hurts at the thought of leaving my family for ten days, it's also full of joy at the the thought of heading back to the land I love. 

I honestly hope that everyone listens when God points them in the direction they are supposed to go. 
The peace that comes with being obedient, oh my stars, it's worth every uncomfortable question, every negative comment, every utterance of disbelief, and every furrowed brow.....times ten.


  1. McCall, needed this today. Thanks for chasing Jesus.

  2. You go!!! I know you are doing powerful things, and you will continue to do wonderful things. Love you. I am in constant awe of your bravery and devotion. Keep spreading the good!

  3. Hi!! I just stumbled across your blog from Pinterest (a link to the post you did on free monograms) and I have to comment... Just yesterday I stumbled across the book When Helping Hurts and put it on my Amazon wish list! And then I saw your quote in this post today! Congrats on such a big step of faith and your upcoming trip! While we've never met, God has spoken so much to my heart through your sharing. I also left my job 2 years ago to follow a God sized calling but I'm sad to say I've made a lot of slip ups and steps back along the way. Thankfully He is our redeemer and hasn't given up on me. This week I have been praying for the courage and confidence to follow Him into the scary territory of full time serving. To God be the glory for the wonderful things He's doing in your life. XOXO.


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