Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Heart Falls to Pieces

If you know me in real life, you know that my grandmother is my all-time favorite person.
I literally spent every day of summer with her all through my childhood. 
I love her to bits and pieces and simply cannot imagine my life without her. 

And now she's sick....very, very sick. 

I'm a tough kid. 
I don't cry at Hallmark movies or get my feelings hurt easily. 
But when it involves my grandmother, my heart just can't take it. 

Please pray that God's will will be done in her life. 
She is my ultimate Earthly role model, 
and I could not be more serious when I say 
that I don't know what I'll do without her whenever the time comes that I have to do just that. 

Please pray for her and for my family. 
I so truly appreciate it.


  1. oh McCall - there really are no words. Prayers - of course. and very much love.

  2. So sorry about your grandmother! I hope she gets well soon! Sorry just responding from your comment on my blog regarding a trunk show! Give me a shout at abbymiller_22(at)


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