Monday, February 27, 2012

Libby: The Interview

Have you ever interviewed your child?

For whatever random reason, Saturday morning Libby and I were sitting around indulging in lots of nothingness, when the idea of an interview with my seven-year-old came out of nowhere.

So, we sat down and the questioning commenced.

And now, dear Blogging friends, is your chance to get to know the Libster a little bit better.

If you could only watch one movie from now until the end of time, what movie would you watch?

The Princess and the Pony

What's one thing you'd really like to learn how to do?

Shimmy (as is in shake your shoulders...she has to do this in her dance recital in May and is terrified she's going to mess it up. Poor child and her no shimmy skills; let's just say, she get it from her momma.)

What book character is your favorite?

Opal from Because of Winn-Dixie

What's your favorite thing about God?

He's really sweet.

What's your dream job?

a fashion designer

Where do you want to live when you grow up?

in a big house in Alabama
(Her best friend lives in Alabama, so this is not as out of the blue as it may seem.)

What's your favorite thing Mom cooks?

whoopie pies

Which of your birthday parties has been your favorite?

It's a tie between my painting party and my cake party.

What is your favorite thing about our family?

that I have a sister

What is the most important thing for a friend to be?

She has to love God. 

What is the best advice you could give to an incoming first-grader?

Don't bring toys to school or you'll get in trouble.

What's your favorite thing about Hollyn?

She's really sweet.

What's the most annoying thing your Mom does?

Interview me.

And there you have it folks.
This is me, the annoying interview mom, saying I hope your Monday is the best Monday ever and that it's filled with lots of hugs, happy thoughts, and ear-to-ear grins for all involved.
Mine will be filled with reuniting with college friends, froyo, and hopefully some Chick-fil-a. which means my week is off to one heck of a good start.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Redeeming Love {a review}

I have a confession: I have had this book for three years and just now read it.
This rarely happens at my house.
Generally I buy a book and have read the first twenty pages by the time I leave the bookstore parking lot.
Having finished it now, I can plainly see that this was God's timing. I NEEDED this book more now than I did three years ago, and I am 100% positive that I wouldn't have appreciated it nearly as much then as I did at this point in my life.

To put it mildly, I LOVED this book. In case it's not one you're familiar with, it's based on the book of Hosea in the Bible. It's a beautiful story of unconditional love and forgiveness, but it also speaks volumes about recovery, acceptance, and dealing with the hardest of hard times.

I've said this before, but for a long time I was very skeptical of Christian fiction. Shame on me, I know. I think I was just scared that Christian fiction would be like bad Christian music. By this I mean, there is some Christian music that I just can't get enough of, that moves me to the point of tears, and that rocks me to my core. However, there is also some Christian music that makes me want to rush to change the station before I am eaten up with cheesiness. 

While I'm sure some Christian fiction is a little cheesy, this book is certainly not in this category. In fact, this was one of the most emotionally powerful books I've ever read, and my friends,I have read  A LOT of books. There were literally parts that were hard to read-- not because I didn't understand them but because they were just so upsetting and overwhelming.

With that being said, let me also say that I now believe I have a greater understanding of God's forgiveness for me and unconditionally love for me than I've ever had. God used this simple story to confirm His love for me and His desire to pursue a relationship with me.

BUT, the best part, in my opinion, is how I can easily see God using this book in so many different ways in so many different lives. It can mean one thing to me, one thing to you, and one thing to someone else. I LOVE when God does this.

So, this weekend I suggest you snuggle up with this book, a box of Kleenex, and some mint Oreos.
 You can thank me later.

God has great things in store for you, lovelies, and if you read (or have read) this book and it moves you, do tell. I LOVE hearing how God uses something as simple as a book to touch our hearts.

Here's wishing a happy Friday to you and you and you.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bubble Pizza: A Four Ingredient Work of Art

Hello, lovelies.
Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week.
It's not that I don't love you, because I most certainly do.
However, between traveling home on Monday, a field trip on Tuesday, and now preparing for our local Charity Ball, I have been one cra-zy girl this week.
Forgive me and love me still, mkay?
And now that that's settled, I want to take a sec. to share a yummy yum dinner recipe with you.
It's super easy and loved by kids especially love this one.

Readers, I'd like to introduce you to what I call BUBBLE PIZZA:

Looks delish, yes?

Here's what you'll need:

3-4 rolls of small biscuits
1-2 cups mozzarella cheese
1 lb. sausage (browned and drained)
1 jar pizza sauce

After browning your sausage, cut the biscuits into small, bite-sized pieces. I literally use my scissors for this. Cover the bottom of a small pyrex with the biscuit pieces. Next you simply layer your remaining ingredients: pizza sauce, sausage, cheese. Then you bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. And if you like your pizza withe\ olives or peppers or whatever else, you could easily add those as well.

If you make it and enjoy, let me know.
If you make it and DON'T enjoy, that will be sad for you and me both.

Here's hoping your Friday is top notch, and before you go a few random facts:

-I have read six books so far this year. It's February. This means I'm living on the nerdy side of life...and I like it.
-Hollyn just came up to me while I was typing and said, "Momma, I want to sit your lap." Oh, be still my heart.
-Today felt like spring, and I enjoyed every single minute of it.
-I love Africa so very much, and it has been on my mind nonstop lately. I literally wake up in the middle of the night and instantly pray for Africa. I hope everyone is as passionate about something as I am about making a difference there; passion is a very good feeling.

Happy almost Friday to you and you and you.

I'm linking this post here, here, here, here, and here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's What Best Friends Do

In case you missed it, this past weekend Libby and I drove to the land of far, far away to have a much needed, long overdue girl's weekend.
It did not disappoint.
And while there are so many things I'm itching to share with you, the thing that stuck with me the most is what I leaned from watching Libby and her best friend, Lily.

A lesson in friendship awaits:

Best friends, after seeing each other for the first time in a long time, stay up way too late and wake up way too early....but there are hap,hap,happy just to be together.

Sometimes best friends hold hands for no reason other than the fact there are few things more comforting than the nearness of the one who knows you best.

Best friends always share, whether it's their time, their hardships, their joys, or their purses so they can look 'fancy' for church.

Some things (like parades) are naturally fun, but everything is more fun when shared with your best friend.

There is no such thing as 'wasted time' or 'being bored'
when your best friend is involved; simply being together is enough.

There is nothing funnier than best friends being completely themselves
when they are together...except maybe best friends being funny in the middle of the night. 

There are some things in life that only you
 and your best friend will ever fully understand.

The moments shared between true friends are priceless,and there is very little that can
 compare to the joy that comes from time together. 

Here's hoping we are reunited very, very soon.
Have you talked to your bestie today?

Today I'm linking this little post o' mine here.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Winner With a Side of Random

First off, congrats to CORI BAILEY on winning my 31 Gifts giveaway!
 Cori, if you'll send me your e-mail address, I'll pass it on to Ashley.

(Please pretend this photo is not so dark; sometimes I swear I live in bat cave.)

And now for a few random thoughts:

- Did you know Sonic's cheese sticks fit neatly in your cup holder in your car?

Because they do.

-I just finished reading this book. To say it was amazing is a HUGE understatement. It will be getting its own post next week.

-I'm now reading this. Have you read it?

-Tonight I'm rekindling my relationship with John Mayer. Did you know that the day I became Lee's girlfriend, I also had a date with John Mayer? His concert that night was amazing; too bad I had to break up with him that night. (nudge, nudge. wink, wink)
*Insert loud, dramatic sigh here*

-I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Prince Harry has always been and will always be cuter than his brother.

Here's hoping your weekend is amazing.
I'll be out of town visiting the bestie.
There will lunch dates on their way there and back with other friends, Starbucks, and a babysitter.
While I can't freaking wait, I will miss you.
See you Monday?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oreo Suckers, OH MY!

For Valentine's Day this year, I wanted something different for Libby to give to her friends at school.
After going back and forth between cake pops and oreo suckers, I got 'suckered' in, sotospeak.

Here's what I came up with:

First, this is what I used:

-oreos (unbroken-- pick the sturdiest looking ones you can find. This will make your life (ok, so maybe just this project) easier.)
-sucker sticks (you can get these at any craft store. I always have some stuffed in my craft closet.)
-a block of melting chocolate (I used white, but you can feel free to choose whatever you like.)
-cake icing (any flavor will do, and you will only need a tiny bit)
-sprinkles (completely optional, but way cuter)

First, use all the skill you possess and separate the oreos. I suggest doing a few more than you need now, that way when some break later in the process, you won't be as grumpy.

Once you've separated them, put a little bit of cake icing on the clean side.

You're then going to use the cake icing as glue for your sucker stick.

Then, ever so gently, reassemble your oreo.
Tip: if you press too hard on the oreo sides, one of them will break. Save yourself the frustration, and ditch (or eat) this one now. You can't save it and use it anyway; I speak from experience.

Once all of your suckers are assembled, melt your chocolate according to the package instructions. I melted half of my big block, made about dozen oreo suckers, and still had some to spare.

One it's melted, carefully dip the top half of the oreos into the chocolate. Tip: try to go as easy on the chocolate as you can here. If you put too much, it will weigh down your sucker and the oreo will slide down the stick while it's supposed to be cooling. Sneaky little buggars, those oreos.

As soon as you remove the oreos from the chocolate, add your sprinkles if you've chosen to use them.

You'll need to find somewhere to let your suckers cool and get firm. I have this nifty little stand, but you can just as easily use some Styrofoam or even lay them flat on wax paper.

Since these were for Libby's friends for Valentine's Day, I then took a page of this scrapbook paper and made cards for her to use.

Once the suckers were cool, I bagged them up, added a tag, and voila.

I'll admit this was not the easiest project I've ever done. HOWEVER, I think I've given you all of the tips I wish I'd had and will certainly use next time. Also, my frustration probably came from the fact that I was grumpy when I started and tend to be a perfectionist when making goodies for my kiddos. You know, because clearly Libby's friends are all overly concerned with whether or not the chocolate dried in just the perfect way. Inner struggles, friends; we all have 'em.

Before you go, have you entered my 31 giveaway? You have until tomorrow evening to do so...

Here's hoping that your Wednesday was wonderful and that your oreos are cooperative.

Today I'm linking here, here, here, here, and here. You?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And Then the Mullet was Gone, and They Lived Happily Ever After

Here's my baby.
Baby had a mullet.

Mullets are not okay.

So we took a little trip and had a snip snip.

Adios, mulletville.

Hello, super cute baby.

Here's hoping your Valentine's Day was as fun as ours;
nothing says I love you like family haircuts.

Valentine's Day: What I'm LOVIN'

Happy Valentine's Day, lovelies!

There are so many things I am lovin' on this Hallmark holiday.
Here are just a few:

1. I am LOVING that I am FINALLY going to get to see my best friend this weekend!
Libby and I will be making the trip to the coast of Alabama to see our best  of best friends....but don't tell Libby-- it's a surprise!

2. THIS POST by one of my fav. bloggers about her fav. beauty products...always looking for something new to try, you know?

3. I may or may not be addicted to these.......

4. Spring break starts threeweeks from Friday. That alone is reason to celebrate!

5. The Vow is officially playing, and even though I won't be seeing until later this month when my mom and I celebrate her birthday, I. am. pumped. about it. Who's with me on this?

6. This guy and his God lovin' ways. Seriously, he is easily one of the coolest, most talented kiddos ever. But hold onto your hearts ladies. For real, don't say I didn't warn you; the girl that ends up with this one will be one lucky lady. He's just that awesome.

7. I'm getting better at this cake ball business. Check out this batch I made for some of the girls this past weekend at Disciple Now:

8. This movie. If you haven't seen it, run; don't walk.

9. I am LOVING this homemade Valentine from my precious friend, Emily.
Emily, you rock my socks.

10. Have you entered my 31 giveaway yet? No? Well, I am LOVING the goodies Ashley sent me as a thank you.

Pretty sure I could fit my whole life in this bag, and that makes me some kinda happy.

And please check out this cuteness:

Thank you again, Ashley!

11. And finally, I am loving how this little girl wants her picture taken when ever she sees Libby posin' for the camera.

Happy Valentine's to you and you and you! Here's hoping you feel loved today from the tip of your nose to the tip of your toes.

Monday, February 13, 2012

31 Giveaway, Starring Ashley

Hey there, bloggers.
Happy Monday.

Today I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.
This is Ashley....isn't she precious?

We were suitemates in college any may or may not have a cat named Sweet Tea living with us; I'll never tell.

Anyway, Ashley is a new sponsor of this here blog, and to celebrate, she's hosting a giveaway.

Have you heard of Thirty One?


Well, take a peek at some of this goodness:

See that grey polka dot fabric? It's my favorite. By this I mean, I absolutely love it and would like to recover my bedspread in it. That's serious love, folks. And I LOVE how you can choose the print for your item.

And I love how they offer all sorts of projects to help us get organized. By US, I mean all those women out there who are trying to juggle work life with kid life with romantic life with staying fit life with having girl time life with housecleaning life....well, you get the idea. And can't we all use a little help in the organization department?

But more than the super cute bags and organization fabulousness they offer, I love the idea that company was founded on the idea of the woman described in Proverbs 31.

There's my fabric again...hang on a second, while I wipe away the drool.

Ok, so I'm not RRREEAALLLY drooling, but I AM really loving their products! I could do some serious damage to my pocketbook with their new catalog! I also love that you can choose to monogram just about anything you see in their catalog. And you know Southern girls love to monogram. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a law.

So, you want some good news?
Are you ready for it?

Ashley would like to offer a $35 credit to

PLUS, Thirty-One is offering a special this month. With every $31 you spend, they will give you 31% off of an additional item. SO, the winner will not only receive $35 to spend as she chooses, but she'll also have the chance to order something else and save 31% on it!

Wanna know how you can win?

Super easy.


Visit Ashley's Thirty-One page and browse their new catalog.
Come back here and leave a comment telling me what you'd buy with your $35 if you win.


*Follow this here blog and leave a comment telling me you do.

*Order something from Thirty-One via Ashley and leave a comment telling me you placed an order.

*Book a party with Ashley. Most of Thirty-One's parties are done as magazine or even online parties. Your guests can purchase under your name on the website, and you can leave your party open for a few weeks or for the month. AND you KNOW hostesses can earn awesome free stuff, right? Because they can. Raise your hand if you like free stuff. That makes two of us. Once you've booked your party or even contacted Ashley about booking one, leave a comment telling me you did.

*Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway. Leave a comment for each thing you did.

Can't wait to see who wins this one and must admit-- I'm already a little bit jealous of the winner.
I'll leave this giveaway open until THURSDAY NIGHT, February 16th, when I'll have Libby draw a winner.

Happy early Valentine's Day, lovelies. Entering may begin now.