Here's a clip from a conversation I had with Libby earlier this week:
Libby: "I can't believe that girl. She's won two reading fairs, and she's only in kindergarten."
Me: "Ummmm...Lib, are you talking about yourself?"
Libby: "Duh, Mom; I'm the coolest."
And although it's a bit prideful, she's kinda got a point;
my kid can rock a reading fair like no other.
And Friday we headed to our state's state department of education for the state reading fair.
And despite the fact that I had to bribe her with the promise of a feather hair extension if she won in order to get her to practice, Libby totally nailed it.
She wasn't the least bit nervous, and she held her own while left alone with only the other contestants and judges while Mom and Dad and Mimi waited in the room down the hall....for two hours.
And what I would have given to be a fly on the wall and hear what she said to the judges.
When I asked what they asked her, she told me it was private.
Alrighty then.
We are all so proud of our Libster, who is now the Mississippi kindergarten state reading fair champion.
First the reading fair, next the world.
Ok, so maybe not the whole world at once.
Perhaps we'll just start with improving our math skills.
Feather hair extensions here we come.
Here's hoping your weekend was of the extraordinary variety.
Mine was spent with good friends and filled with laughter...and very little back pain.
And that alone is reason to celebrate.
And now I leave you with one burning question:
what exactly does one do with a state champion reading fair project when the reading fair is over?
Can I chunk it or do I have to keep it?
I can't seem to find that page in the mothering guide.....