So clearly I'm a little late to the game,
but seeing as how it's still technically January and still early in the year,
I've spent some time thinking about what I want from this year.
The past three years of my life can be summed up in one little word:
If I wasn't crying or praying or filling out paperwork then I was fundraising or planning or traveling to Africa.
The aftermath of that?
Well, who am I now?
What do I want to do next?
How can I work towards something that will be as meaningful as that was?
We don't feel called to adopt again, at least not any time soon.
And while I would love to buy a one way ticket to the land I love,
we aren't there yet either.
And while there is a little something on the horizon (more details to come soon),
WHAT'S NEXT is still a work in progress.
Here's what I do know:
I want this year to matter.
Adoption (while totally worth it because EVIE) was hard and consuming.
There are things I pushed aside while spending all that time filling out forms,
and this year I am playing catch up, which leads me to my word for the year:
I want to invest more in my family.
I want to invest more in my body.
(You try being paper pregnant for three years and let me now how well your jeans fit.)
I want to invest more in my friends.
I want to invest more in my marriage.
Here are some others things I'm dreaming about for 2017:
-More reading time and less TV time.
-More recognizing birthdays and important events in the lives of people I love.
-More date nights. (Can I get an AMEN?)
-More time in the Word.
-More prayer time spent listening and less time spent talking.
-More intentional memory making for our family.
What are YOU resolving to do in 2017?
Do tell.