So, I am a firm believer in the idea that if God doesn't give you want you want, He will give you something better. Well, that's definetly the case at the Aldridge house these days. As you may know, Lee and I have been asked approximately 900 times if and when we are having more children. Well, to be quite honest, we are perfectly content with our one. Libby is plenty to keep us busy. We have toyed with the idea of adoption but are really just happy having our one little girl. Again, God obviously has other plans. So, we're pregnant. Surprised? We certainly are. I've thought long and hard about it though, and I've come to the conclusion that God knew good and well that if He'd waited for the day that Lee and I prayed to have a second child, He'd be waiting for quite a while. So, here we are. While the idea has taken some getting used to, I can't say that we are anything but thankful. Fortunately, I learned a long time ago that God's plans are always way better than anything I can come up with, so how can I not be excited? I will, however, be more excited when the non-stop morning sickness marathon is over. Baby Aldridge will be here sometime around January 9th, according to the doctor. But I'm thinking more like mid-December. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Libby is thrilled. She's set on the idea of naming the baby Corn on the Cobb. Yes, you read correctly. She likes it because, according to Libby, it will be a great name for a boy OR a girl. Nice, right?