And it was right around this time last year when I quit my beloved Lewisburg job to move. I went to pick up Libby after a long day of quitting the best job ever and was beyond down in the dumps. Well, Libby, the fixer, asked, "What's wrong, Mommy?"
I replied, " Mommy is just sad becuase she won't get to teach at Lewisburg anymore, Lib."
And then here's the Libby that I love, " Well, you know, the Indians KILLED Daniel Boone, Mom."
While doing my best to stiffle my laughter so as not to discourage future prophetic phrases from my daughter, I simply replied, "Well, when you put it that way, Libby, I guess today wasn't so bad."
Needless to say, she was pleased with my response.
So, point being, I cannot wait to see the sort of trouble my little one will get into in the years to come. And I don't think I will ever stop thanking God for giving me a front row seat to witness this very entertaining show I call Libby.