Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 ornament addition

Ok folks, this is officially my last post before Christmas.....get excited. I just wanted to share our newest ornament addition. Every year we get a special ornament for Libby. We try to get something that represents some sort of milestone or meaningful event or moment from the year. This year's choice was obvious since Lib has started taking (and fallen madly in love with) ballet. She was thrilled with our selection, as the "I'm smiling so big you can't see my eyes" smile indicates.
What is your family's Christmas tradition? Whatever, it is I hope it's as special to you as this one is to us.
With that being said:
Happy (early) birthday Jesus and a very merry Christmas to you and yours! :)

Lib's special day

So, before the arrival of Sissy, as Lib likes to call her, we really wanted to do something special for our little girl. We told Libby we could do whatever she wanted for the day. I realize we were taking a risk here...I mean, what if she'd asked to go to China? She has, in fact, mentioned this before and has made it very clear that going to China is at the top of her list of things to do. Anyway, we lucked out; she wanted to go eat at the Hibacchi grill and to see The Princess and the Frog. Well, we took that idea and turned it up a notch. :) Lib is very fortunate to have the best aunt ever, Aunt Ellie. Aunt Ellie (and Uncle Brad too) offered to let Lib spend the night with them prior to our big day. They took her to see The Nutcracker, which you know was a hit considering she only asked to go to the bathroom once during the entire show. Then Ellie, aka Best Aunt Ever, made ornaments and gingerbread houses with the Libster. As you can see, Lib has mad gingerbread house making skills. The Hibacchi grill and the movie were both big hits, and overall her special day prior to being a big sister could not have been more special. :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Libby's love letter

Hi everyone. Hope you are getting all your last minute shopping done. I just wanted to share yet another funny Libby story with you. Meet Brandon. He's one of my favorite kiddos ever. He's really more like a little brother/bff than a kid who once served as my first period helper. Anyway, Libby is in love.....with Brandon. Did I mention he's in college, and she's five? Needless to say, Lee is not so thrilled about this idea. However, a few weeks ago, Libby wrote this 'love letter' to Brando. I knew we were in trouble when she asked me how to spell the word 'wedding'. In case you can't tell, the stick figure to the left is him, and the one to the right is a veil and wedding gown. Notice how she drew a 5 beside her to remind him of how old she is, I guess just in case he forgot. :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Libby's big news

I guess finding out at thirty-six weeks is better than not finding out at all if you want to know what you're having. :) We are all super excited and can't wait to meet her!